Not affiliated with Warner Bros. The same can be said for the other Facebook material that I personally manage that are shown down below this site.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

More Images of That Yakko Balloon...

 So, due to this certain incident, this is why Yakko and Wakko had added whiskers in the finalized designs and in the majority for the show itself. Unless if we're gonna talk about a few certain shots that show up in "Hello Nice, Warners!" but that'll be for another day. But back in the day, there was a Yakko balloon sitting on top of the Warner Bros. water tower just to promote the show until, there was this one guy named; Robert A. Daly who was the CEO of the Warner Bros. at the time who got so mistakenly confused and freaked out that he personally thought that balloon was a certain famous Disney mouse that's not supposed to be up on the water tower! You know the one and I'll give you two words for ya: Mickey Mouse. 

Here's a few from Tom Ruegger's Cartoonatics blogging website that was posted on his side years ago in 2010 (in which we both use Blogger in this case):

This balloon was up for less than 12 hours before it was taken down since the president/CEO at the time said so. Some pictures were taken by Paul Rugg before it was taken down.

The moment where the balloon was taken down... 

If any of you two men reading this blog post of mine, I'm just a fan of the original show that you worked on that I became a fan in the middle 2010's. Hope you don't mind me posting these pictures of yours, Paul. Including the first two were on your one site, Tom. 🙂

Well, the good news is, this Yakko balloon was held somewhere else in the year 2008 down in Nevada during a certain event at the time.  And that event was in Gigsville, Burning Man. 

Not only a Yakko balloon was held up, but there were also balloon versions of Wakko and Dot as well! Just like Yakko, Wakko's shown not having whiskers since these balloons were made around the early 90's that the Wakko and Dot balloons surely came unused due to that incident back then. 

When it comes to that Burning Man event, these pictures were taken by other random people that started to post 'em in 2020 and there's more on Flickr to check out. Besides, it would've great to see all of these balloons together up top on that Warner Bros. water tower if it wasn't for that incident and Yakko and Wakko would be finalized as the way they were in the first place. I could just imagine all of them would be sitting up top on the water tower just right in the nick of time for the show's premiere!  Only in an alternate timeline.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Welcome to the Blog Area!

 If you know me well on Facebook through a certain group called; "The Warner Brothers & Warner Sister Dedication Group" and through my roleplaying pages of the Warners themselves through the same social media platform.  As you can personally see, I have my own Blogger page now!  😀

In this blog area, I'll be talking about more stuff related to the original Animaniacs for the most part as a spinoff blogging website to "Dedicating to the OG Warner Siblings" Facebook page since I personally love talking about the original show more than Wakko's Wish and certainly more than that reboot/revival having a messy identity crisis while having a bitter attitude towards its source material that is based on. It's not sure if it wants to be a full-on reboot doing its own thing while being hip and cool/getting that "modern treatment" for the new generation to enjoy or it wants to be a revival that all ages can enjoy watching along without any major issues to get within the show itself on how they personally feel about it. But it decided to please both sides of those audiences that didn't turn out so well for some people like who have a hard time justifying this reboot/revival's existence for its MANY problems that it faced. 🤦‍♀️

Besides, this blog was made here to talk about the original show for the most part anyway. Despite my own criticisms about the other two that I'm pretty vocal about to say at times. I'll also be making other posts on the way towards the future on this blog! 🙂 Not only I'll be talking about the original show itself but also some official merchandise and some games based around the original show itself including those DC comics that were released back in the day.

Here's two shots of a sibling huddle from 'Variety Speak' to end off this first ever blog post:

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❤️🩷🤎 Happy Valentine's Day! And Here's Some 90's Merchandise! ❤️🩷🤎

Yep, it's that time of year again! And with this post, I'll be showing the various Valentine's Day merchandise that the original...