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Monday, May 22, 2023

More Animaniacs Merchandise: Mugs (Featuring Some More Cups)

 I'm back with another post to add onto this blog! As the blog title says, I'll be going over the mugs including those other cups that I've recently found that feature the Warners on them along with some of the other characters from Animaniacs. πŸ™‚☕

First up, have these two variants of Yakko's face as a mug. 

Facebook post featuring these two cups on one of my roleplaying pages: 
Hey ladies, want my face on a mug or... - OG/Classic Yakko Warner | Facebook

Just like Yakko, we have two variants of Wakko's face on a mug. I wish some company who makes mugs could've made a mug out of Wakko's gookie face... But I like these just fine.  πŸ™‚

Another Facebook post from one of my roleplaying pages: These faces are nice but, wouldn't fans... - OG/Classic Wakko Warner | Facebook

And just like her brothers, Dot also had two variants of her face being slapped on a mug (or two in this case).

Here's that one set of mugs all together that I've found from WorthPoint!

And another Facebook post from one of my roleplaying pages: Aren't these mugs look great with my own... - OG/Classic Dot Warner | Facebook

Before we get into more of those mugs, let's get some more cups out, shall we? This was originally planned to be part of the bonus material aspect near the end of the post (just like last time) but, that isn't gonna be the case for this blog post than I thought it would be.

First up, here are these two Yakko glass cups! 

And another glass cup featuring Yakko on it that's somewhat different but has that same stock model pose of him in his "sideways appearance" look.

That other post of Yakko's that I've posted while roleplaying him: It's that time again for one of those... - OG/Classic Yakko Warner | Facebook

And finally, to wrap up this section for the cups, here are two glass cups of featuring Wakko and Dot on them!

Here's some more pics of these plastic cups now featuring Yakko! The last post featuring these kinds of cups only had Wakko and Dot.

Yakko go solo now~ 

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And now, we're back to the mugs again but this time, these two mugs will feature other characters from the original show than just the Warners appearing only. Let's start off with this rare Warner Bros. Studio Store exclusive mug from the late 90's alongside with Pinky and the Brain.  

And here's another one featuring some more characters on the show such as Pinky and the Brain (once again), Rita and Runt, Mindy and Buttons, and Slappy appearing alongside with the Warners on this mug! 

And now were back to the Warners again featured on a news like article that's been slapped onto this mug. Of course, this is another Warner Bros. Studio Store exclusive thing back in the day.  This mug originally came from a dinnerware set.

Here comes another mug that also came out of a dinnerware set just like the previous one being mentioned. 

And finally, here's this VERY RARE 3D mug from Six Flags!

As you can see, I will NOT be counting any modern merchandise in this post. Why may you ask? Because in my opinion, those mugs that 've been officially up on 'The WB Shop' look cheap as heck and they personally remind me of bootleg merchandise just by slappin' a single image (no matter if it's fanart or not) onto something and nothing more than just that with little to no effort put into that specific product. The next blog post will be about the puzzles that've been officially released back in the day! See ya there!

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Another Post About Some Animaniacs Merchandise from the 90's Featuring The Warners...

 And today's post will be about those bubble bath bottles containers for the most part including a bonus item that you'll see later on while as you read this post. First up, we have these prototype (or alternate) bottle container designs! I really wanna know IF they truly are or not but I'm just assuming that they are for the moment especially the way that they're designed and they're also much rarer compared to this other set that we're gonna see next.

Facebook post (that I also said on where this image came if you do your reverse image search for me if you want): Prototype/alternate... - Dedicating to the OG Warner Siblings | Facebook

Next up, we have this other set as I mentioned before. When it comes to this set that we have in this section are a bit different... Even the poses are different compared to the previous set that we saw.

P.S. This container was the rarest to find decent looking photos of him if Wakko didn't look like his reboot counterpart when it comes to that face of his when you look it up online for this certain item. πŸ™ 

After that, here we got these rare bubble bath bottles along with the bottle character caps as well!

P.S. once again for this post... I couldn't find a decent of Wakko cap on top of a bottle at all.

And finally, here's comes the bonus part of this post! After some hours ago when I made my previous blog post about those plastic/glass cups, here's another one of 'em that I stumbled acrossed that I could've added in my previous post.

Facebook post about this item that I found before I wrote this blog post: Another rare plastic cup... - Dedicating to the OG Warner Siblings | Facebook

Stay tuned for the next blog post that I'll be going over the mugs sometime soon. πŸ™‚

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❤️🩷🀎 Happy Valentine's Day! And Here's Some 90's Merchandise! ❤️🩷🀎

Yep, it's that time of year again! And with this post, I'll be showing the various Valentine's Day merchandise that the original...